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Workflow created, needs feedback, shown below
- Author approaches us or we approach author about story
- Obtain story
- If on topshelf use printer-friendly (can compile from multi-chapter to single file)
- If emailed attachment – save
- Format story
- Ensure there’s a title page with appropriately sized title and byline
- Ensure double spacing between paragraphs and at least triple between chapters
- If source is multi-chapter on topshelf remove keywords/themes/age from each chapter heading
- If source is single chapter on topshelf then text will be copied and little or no additional formatting should be required
- Post story
- Check author taxonomy exists [how?]
- Go to ‘Add Content’. If story provided as PDF, RTF or EPUB then select ‘Premium Story with Download’ otherwise select ‘Premium Story’
- Add title, select cover image either an uploaded image or as default use hatbox kitty
- Insert summary (often comes with story but sometimes requires us to create)
- Insert story text (if story is PDF, RTF or EPUB file attach file in relevant box after next step)
- Fill in categories/keywords etc using best judgement
- If provided as PDF or EPUB go to ‘Printer, email and PDF versions’ and uncheck ‘show link’ as appropriate
- Go to ‘Publishing Options’ check story is marked as premium content
- Go to ‘Authoring information’ and change to show actual author
- Verify story
- Preview to check how story appears, is title showing, does all of the text appear, are images shown near the part they are relevant to?
- Save story and make sure it appears in the list on hatbox front page